Monday, September 12, 2022

The Rome Boys (Guests: Tony Frasco, Chris Martin, & Joe Matthiesen)

Rome Boys is a Catholic Show with Tony the Theologian (Cradle Catholic), Chris the Entrepreneur (Convert) and Joe the Farmer (Revert) as your hosts. They take a topic and discuss it from three different perspectives. Tony has a BA and MA in Theology and taught Theology for 11 years. Chris has had success in a variety of jobs throughout his career. (Gold's Gym, UPS, Nursing Home Admin, etc..) He teaches RCIA and has been a DRE/Youth Minister. Joe has farmed most of his life, teaches CCD/RCIA, is our tech guy and is a natural comedian. Tony is married with 7 children. Chris is married with 6 children. Joe is married with 5 children.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Vocation Ministry (Guest: Rhonda Gruenewald)

Rhonda Gruenewald is the founder of Vocation Ministry. She has trained thousands of priests and laity, representing over 4,000 parishes and 50 schools in over 50 dioceses on how to create a culture of vocations so that men and women can more easily answer God’s call.