Friday, August 23, 2024

The Church Fathers (Guest: Fr. Andrew Hofer, O.P.)

Fr. Andrew Hofer, O.P. grew up as the youngest of ten children on a Kansas farm. He entered the Dominican Province of St. Joseph in 1995 and professed simple vows the following year. He made his profession of solemn vows in the Great Jubilee Year of 2000, and was ordained a deacon in 2001 and a priest in 2002. 

His assignments have included serving as a parochial vicar in Rhode Island, a missionary in Kenya, a doctoral student at the University of Notre Dame, a formator at the Dominican House of Studies, a member of the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, and a formator at St. Dominic Priory in Washington. Since the fall of 2021, he has been the editor of the journal The Thomist, for which he previously was book review editor.

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Church in the 1960s, Renewal, and the Spiritual Life (Guest: Fr. Glenn Sudano, CFR)

Fr. Glenn is one of the eight founding members of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, founded in the spring of 1987. The apostolic mission of the Community is to save the materially poor, especially the destitute and homeless. Presently, the Community has over 120 members and 15 friaries around the world. Father Glenn Sudano is from Brooklyn, and briefly pursued a career in television before entering the Capuchins in 1978 with the encouragement of Father Benedict Groeschel.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Vital Role of Motherhood (Guest: Colleen McDanald)

Fr. Mark speaks to Colleen McDanald, the Lady National President of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers. The Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers is a pious association intended for mothers, which has for its special object the promotion of the good Christian and Catholic education of their children. The members join their hearts in love with the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of Sorrows, and unite under her patronage in mutual prayer and solicitude for the welfare of their children and families.